Consensual Enslavement

The Language Of Consensual Enslavement


Humans are animals that name things. We have this starting from the story of Adam and Eve. We have it as a major preoccupation of science today. We keep classifying and naming things down to smaller and smaller details. Eventually we run out of good names and start reusing words for things that are nothing like their original meanings. Thus, in quantum mechanics, we have terms like color and charm to describe sub-atomic particles. The softer sciences do this as well. Names and terms are borrowed or created to mean certain things. Over time they become accepted and are taught to new students of the discipline. I have found few terms unique to consensual enslavement and lots of terms used to describe consensual enslavement that have been defined in very different ways at times. My wish is to reduce the confusion and increase comprehension and communication between people when we are talking about and doing consensual enslavement.


I believe that if we are not speaking of the same things in the same ways, we will not communicate or not do so very well. If I use a term you don’t understand, or that you define differently, you will mentally stop and get stuck on that point. How well you continue from there depends on how well you continue onward from that disruption. If you accept my terms as defined, even if you disagree with some of them, you will have a better understanding of consensual enslavement as I see and understand it.


I am trying to take consensual enslavement out of a make-it-up-as-you-go-along patchwork of ideas, concepts and doing things other people have done to something which can be understood both as a process and a practice. Perhaps even someday a science. I believe that from this better and safer ways of doing consensual enslavement can be derived. I hope to move things from a shaman’s rituals to at least alchemy, if not to the point where we can compare consensual enslavement to something we understand better like chemistry.


The terms I will talk about do come from current usages in the various forms of living that include consensual enslavement such as BDSM, Leather, Gorean and others. Psychology also brings several terms that are important to our understanding of consensual enslavement as well. The biology of enslavement does not include any created terms and Semiotics is much the same. There are some terms that are important to how I view consensual enslavement, such as Dwell Time, which I borrowed from music and audio fields to define the drop off of enslavement without reinforcement. I admit to having created a few terms as modification to other words that fit within my usage that I am not certain existed before. De-enforcers, which is the opposite of re-enforcers, is one of those. Lastly, I sometimes redefine a few terms to suit myself. Forebrain and back brain are good examples of that. There are perfectly good terms for how I describe these terms, but usually not as short or simple and it is not how I think of them. I have provided examples of consensual enslavement definitions so that we all can begin to use the same lexicon and increase our understanding of the subject

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